Help > Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium > Introduction > What is DSM Used For? > Laser Scanner Comparison
Laser Scanner Comparison

It is natural to draw comparisons between PhotoModeler Premium and a 3D laser scanner (or structured-light scanner) because they both produce 3D point clouds.  They both have their respective strengths, and you might choose one technology over the other based on your application and budget.

The first two lists show the respective strengths of the technologies. The table afterwards shows how different surface types are handled.

PhotoModeler Premium Strengths:

        low purchase and operating costs

        field equipment is easy to transport, move around the site, and is small (a camera)

        less time in the field, comparable time back in the office

        can work from an unstable instrument platform

        can scan moving and unstable objects or scenes (if using synchronized cameras)

        can scan very small objects accurately (if they can be photographed and have texture)

        can scan objects at great distance (as long as there is a visible texture in the photos)

        produces a superior photo-textured 3D model

3D Laser Scanner Strengths*:

        can scan textureless (or repeating texture) surfaces (as long as the surface is Lambertian or near-Lambertian and reflects light back to scanner). See surface table comparison below.

        may handle scenes with large and sudden depth changes better

        does not need a priori knowledge about the approximate depth range

        does not need targets or other sharp features to be identified in paired photos

        can scan surfaces that might appear textureless at the distance that photography is needed for PhotoModeler Premium

        can scan at night and in dark locations (PhotoModeler Premium would need additional lighting)

* Note: there are many different laser scanner products (and structured-light scanners) available and this list lumps them together and describes them in general terms. Some products may be better than others with respect to these criteria.

No scanning method works perfectly for all surface types. The nature of the surface will determine how well PhotoModeler Premium works.  This table is a comparison of PhotoModeler Premium and a typical laser scanner in relation to the type of surface being scanned. The middle column shows PhotoModeler Premium with additional hardware - that is, a projector (lcd, 35mm slide, or gobo) that can project a random dot pattern on the surface. The cells in the table indicate whether the product will normally produce a good 3D point cloud.


Surface Characteristics

PhotoModeler Premium

PhotoModeler Premium with projected pattern


Laser Scanner

Natural or randomly textured surface





Man-made repeating- pattern surface


May have some trouble. Careful setting of parameters may resolve.



Flat, non-textured surface





Dark surface  esp. in laser’s bandwidth


Yes if can be lit in visible spectrum

Yes if can be lit in visible spectrum

No, or difficult


highly reflective surface with no texture



May have trouble

Usually has trouble


See the section on requirements for further discussion on surface type.