Help > Troubleshooting > Problems List > When processing fails or 3D results look bad
When processing fails or 3D results look bad

PhotoModeler completes the processing in one of two ways:  It either succeeds in creating the 3D model or it fails. In either case PhotoModeler informs you at the end of processing what happened with a dialog box message.

If the processing failed, there a number of things you can do to correct the problem. Sometimes even if processing succeeded the results are obviously wrong (i.e. in 3D Viewer) that we consider that to be failed processing also. It is a good idea to always check the 3D Viewer right after a successful processing to make sure the model and camera positions are correct.                 

In case of some processing failure or excessive model distortion in the 3D Viewer, follow the Troubleshooting Procedure below to figure out how to fix the problems. See also Processing Points-Based.