Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based
Processing Points-Based

To create a 3D model from the Camera and Photograph marking information, PhotoModeler uses a special numerical algorithm. This algorithm uses advanced mathematical techniques to adjust the input data, to create the 3D point data and to minimize errors in order to maximize accuracy.

Processing is an iterative process. It repeats a sequence of steps as many times as necessary to determine the location of each point and edge in three dimensions and to minimize the total error.

Before processing can be started, the following must have been done:

        Create a project,

        Add photograph(s) of an object to the project,

        Mark points on each photograph and reference them to corresponding points on all other photographs, or in a single photo project add Constraints (Axes or Control Points) to the points and edges, and

Processing is accessed from ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab using the Process toolbar button . Processing goes through two stages. The first is called an audit and the second is called the adjustment. The audit provides early feedback to the user on how well it is expected the adjustment will proceed. With poor data sets, it is possible that the adjustment will fail and no 3D model will result. The audit stage helps weed out these cases. The auditing function can also be called independently of processing through the "Audit" (ribbon toolbar’s Review Tab)