Help > Using the Automated Tools > Automatic Target Marking > Automatic Target Marking Dialog > Advanced Target Marking Settings
Advanced Target Marking Settings

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Marking Settings

An ideal dot target (the dot alone or the center of a coded target) will look like a perfect filled ellipse (or circle) with a uniform color and uniform blurred edge in the photos.  If a target is misshapen (due to imaging problems, blur, noise, non-flat surfaces, or improper manufacture) the ideal ellipse shape will not 'fit' as well.  These less-than-ideal ellipse shapes will be rejected. To get more of them accepted you can increase the 'Fit Error'. Its maximum value is 1.0. If you lower the Fit Error threshold, more target dots will be 'rejected' and will not be marked.

Increasing the threshold will allow more dots to be 'accepted' and marked. 

Note: You can set which RGB channel to use during automatic target marking using this ini setting (default is 1 green channel):

(where 0=RED, 1 = GREEN, 2 = BLUE, -1 = convert to grey scale)

Using just one channel (usually green) may increase precision because this minimizes any chromatic aberration effect of the lens.

There are also options to show the photo while it is being automarked, and/or to show the Automatic Marking Summary Dialog.

Choosing name and layer

You can select an existing layer into which all newly marked points will be added.  You can also add a user name to the marked points.  Leaving the name field blank will leave newly marked points unnamed.