Help > Using the Model > Using your 3D Model with another program > Animation Output Dialog > Animation Output Settings
Animation Output Settings

Keyframes section: This section shows keyframes that you’ve added to the animation:

         “Add keyframe” adds a keyframe to the end of the sequence.

         “Remove keyframe” removes the selected keyframe from the sequence (click a keyframe ‘chip’ to select it).

         “Insert keyframe” copies the selected keyframe and inserts it immediately after the selected keyframe.

        “Frames between this keyframe and the next” setting controls how many frames are to be inserted between the selected keyframe and the next one in the sequence.  PhotoModeler will automatically ‘smooth’ the animation between the keyframe positions. This number can vary between each pair of epochs.

3D View section: This section shows the model in 3D in an interactive 3D View, and has the familiar 3D controls at bottom right:

         “Play” will play the animation in the 3D View based on the keyframes that have been added.

        “Size” settings control the size of the output when exporting to GIF or AVI

GIF section: This section shows the settings to control the animated GIF file output, specifically for the GIF option:

         “Override frames between keyframes” controls the number of frames to place between keyframes in the GIF output. This overrides the variable “Frames between this keyframe and the next” setting in the Keyframes section, which is useful when you want to keep the GIF file as small as possible.

        “Loop” controls whether to loop and how many loops are to be included in the GIF output.

        “Delay between frames” controls the speed of the animation in the GIF output. The larger the number the slower the animation

        “Create Animation” button writes the animated GIF file. You will be asked for a file name and location to save the file.  Once the video export is complete a dialog will now ask if the video should be played in the file’s associated application.

        Note the “Size” settings in the 3D View section control the dimensions of the output

AVI section: This section shows the settings to control the AVI file output, specifically for the AVI option:

        “Frames per second” controls the speed of the animation in the AVI output. The larger the number the slower the animation

        “Create Animation” button writes the AVI animation file. You will be asked for a file name and location to save the file. Once the video export is complete a dialog will now ask if the video should be played in the file’s associated application or it should be uploaded to YouTube (see YouTube Upload).

        Note the “Size” settings in the 3D View section control the dimensions of the output