Help > Coded Targets > Automated Coded Targets Project > Automated Coded Target Project Summary
Automated Coded Target Project Summary

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

This dialog appears before automated processing steps have begun to provide feedback as those steps are run.

The first section of the report lists the coded target parameters. If this is a RAD project, these parameters are set internally, otherwise the parameters will be set during the wizard.

The next section shows which photographs were marked, how many new marks where added, and some status information.  If the project was processed you may see either the largest residual (in pixels) of any Marked Point on that photo or the ‘not oriented’ text which indicates this photo failed to process (perhaps too few coded target points marked on this photo).

The next section of the report describes the status of the processing that can be optionally run after the automatic marking. The first two lines summarize the Processing Total Error Dialog by giving the number of iterations and the first and last iteration total error. This helps you identify if the processing was successful. See Total Error Dialog for more information. The total number of 3D points in the project is also listed.

The next section shows the results of the optional automatic referencing (used if the non-RAD project has non-coded targets as well and if the project was successfully processed in the previous stage).

The next section shows the results of the optional second processing which is useful if automatic referencing has added new points to the non-RAD project.

The last section of the report describes the status of the Scale and Rotation that can be optionally run after all steps are complete. If the scale, translate and rotation had been defined in the Wizard, but they do not show as being setup here then perhaps one or more of the coded targets that defined the scale/rotate was not detected or could not be computed in 3D.