Help > Using the Automated Tools > Automatic Referencing > Automatic Referencing Dialog > Stages of Automatic Referencing > Automatic Referencing Choose actions
Automatic Referencing Choose actions

Decide what should be done with the automatically referenced points:

        Points that are auto-referenced can be given special names and/or set to "do not process". Using the names for sorting points in the Point Table can be helpful when reviewing a project’s quality. Points that are successfully referenced by this function can have their User Name (as seen in the Object Point Properties or in Point ID display) set to a specified name.  Note that this does not apply to silhouette automatic referencing. If the name is blank no changes will be made. You might want to name points to distinguish them from those manually referenced.  You can also set all successfully referenced points to be set to "do not process". If the automatic referencing is making too many errors with point referencing you may want to set this so these points will not affect any subsequent processing.