Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model
The Objects That Make Up A Model

A 3D Model in PhotoModeler is composed of different types of objects. These objects are used to capture certain 3D characteristics of the real-world scene or item you are modeling.

These objects are: 2D Marked Points, 3D Object Points (and associated Offset Points), Surfaces, Outlines, Bent Tubes, SmartPoints,  Lines, Curves, Silhouettes, Edges, Cylinders, Shapes, Point Clouds/Triangulated Meshes, Planes and Volumes.

Properties of each these objects can be viewed using several features in the PhotoModeler user interface, including the Properties of Selected Dialog, Properties Pane, Tables and the Status Bars.  Also note that the Measurements Pane shows various data about one or more selected objects.