Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Caption Area
Caption Area

The main component of the caption area is the Quick Access Toolbar.

The caption area also shows a title with the program name "PhotoModeler" and the name of the current project.

The caption area can be used to move the entire application around the screen. This is done by pressing the mouse button down on the caption area and holding it down while dragging and moving the PhotoModeler window to its new location.

The button (the PhotoModeler icon) on the extreme left of the caption area is the System Box. Double clicking on this button closes the application. Clicking once on this button exposes a menu with standard Windows System Menu choices. These choices allow the user to size, move and close PhotoModeler.

The left-most button in the right group of the caption area is the minimize button. Clicking on it turns PhotoModeler into a minimized bar on the desktop toolbar.

The next button is the maximize/restore button. It can be used to make PhotoModeler as large as possible, or to restore PhotoModeler to its last un-maximized size.

The last button is the "X" close button. It will also close/exit PhotoModeler when pressed.