Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Workspaces

To help simplify the user interface not all tools are always visible in the PhotoModeler user interface. Certain tools only apply to certain project types and these tools are grouped into ‘workspaces’.  The differences in the workspaces are generally limited to a select one or two tabs on the ribbon toolbar. The differences, though quite minor, do help simplify the interface and reduce the clutter of unused tools.

When a PhotoModeler project is started or loaded, the project is classified into a project types.  Each of these project types corresponds to a workspace in PhotoModeler.  The appropriate workspace is loaded when project is started or opened, and each is briefly described below:

        Multiphoto – this workspace contains tools for typical multi-photo points based projects, with the build tools focusing on point, line, curve marking, dimensions, referencing, and surface and plane definition, along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project.

        Singe Photo – this workspace contains tools for typical single photo points-based projects, with the build tools focusing on point marking and control point assignment, line marking, dimensions, and surface and plane definition, along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project. Tools normally only used for multi-photo projects won’t be shown on this workspace (e.g. referencing).

        Targets – this workspace contains tools for typical automated target point based projects, with the build tools focusing on target point marking, automated target marking, automated referencing, dimensions, and surface and plane definition, Outlining and Surface Draw, along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project.

        SmartMatch – this workspace contains tools for typical SmartMatch projects, plus point marking, dimensions, and surface and plane definition, along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project. This workspace in Premium adds tools for DSM projects, such as Cloud/Mesh tools.

        Template Pattern – this workspace contains a small set of tools for typical template/pattern tracing projects, namely the Template lines and Template curves tools, plus the Outline tools. Other tools to show the Visibility on Photos, Properties, Photo List and Measurements panes, along with the layer tools.

        Calibration – this workspace contains tools for calibration projects, with the build tools focusing on running or rerunning a calibration, plus some point and target marking and referencing tools (in case some manual intervention is required), along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project.

        Shapes – this workspace contains tools for typical shapes based projects, with the build tools focusing on Shapes modeling, along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project.

        Motion – this workspace contains tools for typical Motion projects, with the build tools focusing on the Motion specific tools, along with other typical PhotoModeler tools to view and review your project.

Optionally, a workspace can be loaded to override the current workspace by selecting one from the workspace drop down menu at the top right of the ribbon toolbar, see Workspace Selector.