Help > Using the Model > Using your 3D Model with another program > 3D Model Export > Making the Exported Models Look Better > Clean up/remove targets
Clean up/remove targets

When modeling/measuring objects with curved surfaces you may use targets.  See Using Targets. Since these targets appear in the photographs they will also be extracted during the texture extraction. You may not want this to happen. For example, you placed 100 sticky dots on a modern day car with complex curved surfaces so you could get a realistic shape, now when you produce the model of the car, you get a texture mapped car with lots of dots on it!

There are a few ways around this but the methods all use the same basic technique.  What you need are two versions of each photograph (one with targets showing for marking use and one with no targets for texture extraction). Here are a few ways to accomplish this:

        Use a projection system to generate the targets, use a tripod to take pictures and then take two photographs at each position, one with projector on and one with projector off.

        Use targets that are very high in contrast in one of the red, green or blue bands but are almost invisible in the other bands.  Then use an imaging program to create two monochrome versions of each image. One will have the high contrast targets visible and in the other, the targets will be invisible (or close).

        After the project is complete, read copies of the photographs into an image processing program (e.g. PhotoShop) and use the various painting and cloning tools to erase the targets. Make sure you do this to copies of the photographs as you will not want to lose the originals if you need to work on the project in PhotoModeler again.