Help > Working with Cameras > Camera Viewer Dialog > Lens Distortion Formulation > Controlling Calibration of Lens Distortion
Controlling Calibration of Lens Distortion

You can tell the Camera Calibration program to calibrate for only certain forms of distortion. If you do not want to calibrate for decentering distortion it is best to set the P1 and P2 values to zero before calibration and make the following changes to the ini file (see Application Data and File Locations for information on where the ini file is stored on disk):





When these are set to negative numbers the Camera Calibration will not change P1 and P2 and will keep them equal to zero. Any lens distortion will be compensated by the radial distortion terms only.

Sometimes when you are using the camera with an outside program that does not understand lens distortion (such as most animation and rendering packages) you will want to calibrate it with no radial or decentering distortion compensation. Set all the lens distortion parameters to zero in the Camera Viewer Dialog and also edit the ini file to turn off radial also:



After making these changes to the ini file save it to disk and process the Camera Calibration normally.