Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Status Bars > Curve - closed Status Bar
Curve - closed Status Bar

Closed Curve:  ID:<ID>, <3D>, <is planar/circle> on photos used <p1> unused <p2>.

        <ID> is the ID number of the Curve object

        <3D> indicates if the curve has a valid computed 3D position and shape.

        <is a circle> appears if the closed curve is set to "circle" (which means the closed curve is projected onto the best fit plane and then fit to a circle).  A closed curve can be set to a circle by checking the "circle" checkbox in the curve's properties.  A circle is planar by definition so the status bar will not indicate that the closed curve is also planar.  “is a circle” will not appear in the status bar if the closed curve has not been set to "circle". If the curve is planar but not a circle then this says “is planar”.

        <p1> is the list of  photographs the Curve’s mark appears on.

        <p2> is the list of  unused photographs the Curve’s mark appears on.