Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Status Bars > Cylinder Mark or Cylinder Object Status Bar
Cylinder Mark or Cylinder Object Status Bar

Cylinder:  ID:<ID>, dia:<diameter>, len:<length>, cl:(<x>,<y>,<z>),  angle:<angle>,  error:<err>% , material:<mat-name>,  layer:<layer-name>, on photos used: < on photos used> unused <unused>.

        <ID> is the ID number of the Cylinder object

        <diameter> is the diameter of the computed cylinder object

        <length> is the length of the computed cylinder object

        <x>,<y>,<z> is the vector of the center line of the computed cylinder

        <angle> is the worst angle between photographs that image this cylinder (larger it better)

        <err> is the percentage error of the cylinder calculation (smaller is better)

        <mat-name> is the name of the material assigned to this cylinder

        <layer-name> is the name of the layer this cylinder is assigned to

        <on photos used> is the list of  photographs the Cylinder’s mark appears on.

        <unused> is the list of  unused photographs the Cylinder’s mark appears on.