Help > Using the Model > Using your 3D Model with another program > 3D Model Export > 3D Model Export Dialog > Export Settings > DXF Options
DXF Options

The DXF Options section of the 3D Export Dialog has a few controls for the DXF file format.

"Merge connected polylines" will merge all connected line and curve entities (or a series of lines and curves) into a single polyline.

"DXF-ASTM format” is used by software popular in the clothing and fabric industries (e.g. CLO). This is suitable for a project done with Surface Draw for 2D pattern capture (see Template Pattern Capture Projects). Each Surface Draw polyline/curve is exported as its own part - which your software may interpret as one pattern. See the ‘Merge connected polylines’ control below to help create closed polyline pattern outlines. Each exported part or component has a name in this format. As each part is exported, PhotoModeler will use the first 'user name' found in the boundary (e.g. if your line was named "shirt front" it will take that name and use it for the part). If no names are found, it will name the part "Part#" where # is an incremental number for each part output.

Some rarely used .dxf options were removed from the export settings tab in 2020. These settings can still be accessed via the configuration file. Contact: if you have any issues/questions.