Help > Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium > DSM Quick Start Guide
DSM Quick Start Guide

This section provides a quick guide to creating a new DSM project. Details on these guide steps are found in the Creating and Modifying Dense Surface Models section.

        Take photographs of your object and textured surfaces. See DSM Photo Requirements for how to take photos for DSM use. Note it is often a good idea to combine standard PhotoModeler photos (strong angles) with stereo pair photos as outlined in that section.

        Mark and reference points and then process as with a standard PhotoModeler project, or use SmartMatch to orient your photos.

        Ensure the project is high quality and the largest residual is less than about 2.0 pixels (max. residual preferably under 1.0 pixel for non-SmartMatch projects)

        Define the extents of the region to extract a dense surface. This is usually done by marking DSM Trims but you can also use the entire photo boundary, or in some cases, create an approximate surface (trims are not usually required for MVS):

        Define one or more 2D polygon regions on one or more photos using the DSM Trim tool to outline the region of interest (see DSM Trims);  or,

        You may also choose to use the entire image boundary; or,

        Create an approximate surface using any of the PhotoModeler surface tools. This surface is ‘close’ to the surface of the object being modeled with a point cloud. It approximates the surface and does not need to be accurate representation of the surface. For example a stone wall could be approximated using a flat plane while the final DSM model will show details of each stone in the wall. Cylinders can be used too for this approximate surface. An approximate surface is not necessary when using SmartMatch since the cloud of SmartPoints implicitly generates a reasonable approximate surface.

        Save the project to disk - as a basis for future work.

        Open the DSM Dialog.

        Choose the appropriate DSM method (MVS or Paired photos) and the associated parameters and Execute.

        Iterate on the parameters and the clean up steps (editing and mesh tools) to obtain the desired result.

        Export the Cloud/Mesh if needed.