Help > Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium > Creating and Modifying Dense Surface Models > Meshing Tools > Modify Cloud/Mesh
Modify Cloud/Mesh

An important step, after DSM creates one or more 3D point clouds (or a cloud / mesh is imported), is to convert that cloud of points into a high-quality triangulated mesh.  This is taken care of by the Meshing Tools. These tools are available for automatic execution after DSM runs or as a separate process. The Meshing Options Dialog controls the actions that will be carried out.

To run the Meshing tools as an independent set of steps use the menu item: “Modify Cloud/Mesh…” tool on the Cloud/Mesh Tools Tab.  This will bring up the Meshing Options Dialog.

You may find that for certain projects you will run the DSM process a few times without any meshing steps. You can then later take one or more of the resulting Clouds/Meshes (which will be just point clouds), select them and run the Meshing tools to register, denoise, mesh and smooth.