Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Ribbon Tabs > Tabs in Workspaces > SmartMatch Workspace: > Cloud/Mesh Tools Tab
Cloud/Mesh Tools Tab

The Cloud/Mesh Tools tab contains tools specific to the DSM modeling process:

A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

Create/Modify Group:

        Create Cloud/Mesh – See DSM Options Dialog

        Modify Cloud/Mesh – See Meshing Options Dialog

        Cloud/Mesh Edit and Cloud/Mesh Edit Region – See Edit/Delete/Measure Points in a Point Cloud

        Mesh From Points – Use this tool to triangulate points (SmartPoints and/or regular marked/referenced points) in the project using default settings.  If points are pre-selected, only those selected points will be used for triangulation; if no points are selected, all points in the project will be used. If a Point Cloud is selected, you can optionally triangulate the selected Point Cloud.

Volumes Group:

        Define – see Define Volume Mode

Mesh Actions Group:

        Various tools to act on a cloud/mesh, see Meshing Tools.

        Split Cloud/Mesh tool: Pick up the Split Cloud/Mesh tool for use when a Cloud/Mesh needs to be split.

        Flip Mesh tool: Use this tool to Flip a Mesh.

        Mesh Profile Mode tool: Use this tool to 'slice' through a mesh and draw a line along the profile of the surface. This tool is always enabled but can only be used in the 3D Viewer. Click and drag a line through a triangulated mesh to generate the profile line along the surface.

        Crop Mesh tool: Use this tool to Crop Mesh.

        The Mesh Actions group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

        Slice: See Slice Mesh.

        Slice by Plane: See Slice Mesh by Plane.

        Seal Mesh: See Seal Mesh.