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Motion Type 2 - Tracking

It is important to understand the steps taken during tracking in a type 2 project. The process for tracking type 2 projects is similar to type 1 projects except instead of relying on static cameras it relies on static points.  There must be at least four 3D static points identified in the first epoch using the static point’s tool.  These same points should be marked and referenced in each destination epoch and then given the same user name as in the first epoch. 

When tracking enters an epoch the first thing it will do is search the user names of the points in the destination epoch and if a match is found with the source epoch points, the points will be assigned a common point ID and will be linked between epochs.  The four or more points are used to compute the coordinate system transformation between epochs. If four static points cannot be name matched during the tracking it will abort as a common coordinate system can not be calculated. Once the coordinate system is set up in the epoch being tracked, the remaining points will then be tracked as they would with a type 1 project (but always in 3D).