Help > Time-based Measurement / Motion Projects > Motion Type 2 Projects - Moving Camera
Motion Type 2 Projects - Moving Camera

Many of the controls and the user interface is similar when working with type 1 (static cameras) or type 2 (moving camera) projects.  The project types and their uses though are quite different.

Type 1 - Static Camera projects are used to watch moving points using static synchronized cameras. Typically, we would see high speed movement. An example might be a fluttering flag with targets.

Type 2 - Moving Camera projects are used to watch shape and displacement change of objects that go through distinct and stable epochs. Typically, only one camera is used and the object scene is re-photographed at each epoch. Typically, we would see slow distinct movements (perhaps minutes, hours or even days between epochs). An example might be a balloon that is inflated in distinct steps (that is does not move or change shape when each set of photos is taken).

The steps taken with type 2 projects were outlined above in The Motion Project Procedure - Type 2 section but here we describe steps again but with a typical operational scenario that might be easier to understand.