Help > Time-based Measurement / Motion Projects > The Motion Project Procedure - Type 2
The Motion Project Procedure - Type 2

The basic steps in a Motion Type 2 project are:

        Targeting your moving object and four or more static points (with stick on target dots or projected target dots). The points can be coded or non-coded targets or manually marked points.  Motion Type 2 projects are considerably easier to do and more efficient if coded targets are used for the static points.

        Taking two or more photos of the object and static points as you would with a regular PhotoModeler project.

        Have the object move or change shape to its next un-changing position and shape.  Note: any non-coded targets of the object should not move excessively between epochs or they may not track successfully. Coded targets on the object can move considerably as they are tracked by their code rings and not by how they move. The static points should not move at all.

        Repeating steps 2 and 3 as needed.

        Starting a Motion Type 2 project in PhotoModeler using the wizard (see Project Wizard: Welcome (Type 2 Motion Project))

        Performing point marking (automatic if possible), referencing (a combination of manual and automatic), and processing in the first epoch.

The next steps depend on whether coded targets were used for the static points or not.  If coded targets were used, the steps are:

        Identifying four or more static points in the first epoch that are also coded target points. See the Static Points Dialog.

        Tracking with coded target search turned on. The Motion Project Tracking Dialog is used with the “Run coded target auto-marking before tracking each epoch” box checked. If each epoch is to be automatically processed after tracking and coded target marking, use the “Process each epoch after coded target marking” checkbox in the Track Coded Target Settings dialog.

        When the tracking is complete and processing of every epoch was successful, the project should be complete and ready for analysis.  If processing was not carried out during the tracking, then run processing on each epoch to ensure all static points have computed 3D positions.  Once the static points all have computed 3D positions, all epochs will be in a consistent coordinate system.

        After tracking has been completed to your satisfaction, you can play back the results using the Motion Project Auto Advance Dialog, export the 3D data as an AVI, or write out multi-epoch 2D and 3D data using the Motion Epoch Report Dialog.

If coded targets have not been used for the static points a more manual method is used to ensure the static points match across epochs. These steps are:

        Identifying four or more static points in the first epoch. See the Static Points Dialog.

        Assigning unique user names to the static points in the first epoch. See Object Point Properties Dialog.

        Marking and referencing sufficient points to orient the camera stations in all the remaining epochs (e.g. epoch 2, 3, 4, etc.).

        Marking and referencing the static points (if they aren't already) in the remaining epochs.

        Processing each epoch so the camera station locations are computed along with referenced points.

        Assigning the same user names to the static points in the remaining epochs.  When tracking is run, these points will be name matched and the static points will be used to ensure a common coordinate system.

        Running tracking (see the Motion Project Tracking Dialog), this will match up the commonly named points and assign them the same point IDs across all epochs, the static points will then be used to bring the epochs into a common coordinate system; the remaining marks from the first epoch will then be tracked to the remaining epochs.

        After tracking has been completed to your satisfaction, you can play back the results using the Motion Project Auto Advance Dialog, export the 3D data as an AVI, or write out multi-epoch 2D and 3D data using the Motion Epoch Report Dialog.