Help > Using the Model > Using your 3D Model with another program > Orthophoto Export > Orthophoto vs Rectified Photo
Orthophoto vs Rectified Photo

Orthophoto production can also be used to create rectified photographs. A rectified photograph is a remapping of a single photograph of a planar object into an orthographic view. Rectified photographs are used to turn a slanted photograph of a building facade into a straight-on view suitable for doing drawings and measurements.  Rectified photographs are accomplished in PhotoModeler by defining a plane surface (there are several tools).

Note the definitions of rectified photo and orthophoto are not always clear. Generally a rectified photo of a surface that has some depth variation (e.g. the facade of a building) will still contain distortions caused by perspective - only the gross perspective distortion will be removed.  On the other hand, an ideal orthophoto will have all effects of perspective distortion removed but this requires that every facet of the surface be modeled accurately.