Help > User Interface > Working with Windows and Panes > Paned Interface > Pane Interaction > Pane Pinning
Pane Pinning

Panes that have a ‘pin’ button at the top right of the pane title bar can be unpinned and minimized to the edge of the application window. Clicking the pin icon minimizes the pane to the nearest side edge and places a tab on the margin. When the mouse cursor is over this tab the pane becomes visible and stays visible while the mouse is positioned within the pane. The pane rolls back into the margin after a few seconds after the mouse is moved off of the pane.  Clicking the pin button again unpins your pane and returns it to its docked position. The pane can be repositioned or re-docked only when unpinned. The pin button has a tool-tip called “Auto-hide”.