Help > Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium > Creating and Modifying Dense Surface Models > How to Create Dense Surface Models > DSM Options Dialog > Paired Photos Method > Photos Section
Photos Section

This section of the DSM Options tab allows you to select which pairs of photographs are processed for a Cloud/Mesh.  Each pair produces one Point Cloud and then the Meshing steps will combine them into one cohesive whole (if you wish).

At the top of this section is a selection for Photo Set. All photos in the chosen photo set are paired automatically in the grid below. Beside this control are three buttons for selecting all pairs of photos (the default), no pairs of photos or the best pairs of photos as defined in the Select Best Photo Pairs Dialog.

The grid shows on each row a pair of photos, the photo numbers, their base-to-height ratio (listed as b/h ratio), the angle between the camera stations, and the two photos’ names (to further help with identification).  The grid can be sorted by any column by clicking on the column header.

When starting a new DSM project we suggest picking the strongest single pair of photos first and then processing this pair to see if acceptable results are achieved.  Then additional pairs can be added.

To show only the pairs of photos that have at least one DSM Trim between the two photos in the pair, check the “Only show pairs with trims” checkbox. This helps ensure that you only select appropriate pairs, when using the DSM Trims as the ‘extents from’ setting.