Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Creating a New Project > New Project Wizard > Project Wizard: Marking Stage 1 Settings (Automated Coded Targets Project)
Project Wizard: Marking Stage 1 Settings (Automated Coded Targets Project)

This wizard screen is displayed when setting up an automated coded target project. The top line shows which coded target set will be marked (if coded targets are being marked, the set to be searched for was defined in an earlier wizard pane). The properties set here will be used by the automatic target marker when the wizard finishes. See Automatic Target Marking for details on these parameters. Note that if you are marking just coded targets, you can often err on the large size for the “Maximum center target size”.  If the “Show images as they are marked” box is checked then each photograph’s image will be displayed in the user interface before the automatic marking starts on it so you can watch the progress.