Help > Overview of Producing a 3D Model > Take Photographs of the Object or Scene > Guidelines > Single Photograph Projects
Single Photograph Projects

PhotoModeler is capable of carrying out many different types of projects with only a single photograph.

The key to single photograph projects is that you provide some additional information in terms of assumptions or knowns to help PhotoModeler solve the 3D problem.

This additional information comes in the form of Shapes, Control Points or Constraints.

The requirements for photographs used in single photograph projects are not as strict as with multiple-photograph projects as described above. The main requirements are:

        the photographs be clear and in focus,

        the known objects (shapes, control points, constrained edges & lines) be clearly visible and spread out over the photograph, and

        if trying to recover all the camera parameters in an Inverse Camera procedure, the photograph should be in three point perspective (i.e. have three vanishing points). Think of taking a picture of a building from its corner instead of face-on.