Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Status Bars > Surface Status Bar
Surface Status Bar

Surface: ID:<ID>,  <3D>, material:<mat-name>,  layer:<layer-name>, num triangles: <nt>, type: <type>

        <ID> is the identification number of this surface or imported surface (a unique number among all surfaces)

        <3D> flags whether the surface has 3D position (i.e. can appear in the 3D Viewer and projections). Says ‘not 3D’ if the selected surface cannot be computed with 3D position and shape.

        <mat-name> is the name of the material assigned to this surface

        <layer-name> is the name of the layer this surface is assigned to

        <num triangles> is the number of triangles in the Surface. For a three point surface this will equal 1, for a four point surface it will equal 2, and for other surfaces 0 (Surface shape cannot be computed) or N (where N is the number of triangles used to compose the overall surface)

        <type> is the type of the selected Surface (such as “Defined by a path”, or “Loft”, etc.