Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Viewing Photographs > Photo Properties > Texture and DSM Mask image file names
Texture and DSM Mask image file names

There are two optional mask image files that can be assigned to each photo to indicate areas not to include for a) texturing and b) DSM (applies to PhotoModeler Premium only, for DSM generation and SmartMatch).  Masks can be used to block out or mask certain parts of an image. An example is where a car or tree obstructs the model object or scene and you do not want that obstruction to appear in a photo-texture or used for DSM matching.

When these properties are selected, two hyperlinks appear below: one to Browse Mask Image file where you select an image that contains the Mask (see Creating mask images); and one to Create Masks (see Create Masks Dialog).

To remove or disassociate a Texture or DSM mask image file from a photo, select and delete the path in the photo property.

You can also automatically assign image mask files (for use with Photo Texturing, DSM and SmartMatch) by setting up Mask files with a specified mask image file 'tag', in a specified project sub folder. Mask files sharing the image name plus the tag will be assigned to the image. This can be done either during project setup when images added, or on the Create Masks dialog box. Default settings can be set on Preferences' Image page.

Note: that you can also create a mask by drawing using Draw Mask Mode.