Help > Time-based Measurement / Motion Projects > The Motion Project Procedure - Type 1
The Motion Project Procedure - Type 1

The basic steps in a Motion Type 1 project are:

        Targeting your moving object (with stick on target dots or projected target dots) (targets can be coded),

        Setting up your two or more stationary synchronized video cameras,

        Capturing the video frames needed for your analysis and modeling (see The Motion Project Images),

        Starting a Motion Project in PhotoModeler using the wizard (see Project Wizard: Welcome (Type 1 Motion Project)),

        Perform point marking (automatic if possible), referencing (a combination of manual and automatic), and processing in the first epoch.

Note: for greatest efficiency try to do as much set up work and modeling in the first epoch as possible before switching to the next epoch or performing tracking. Once the project is in a mode where propagation is needed, things proceed more slowly. This means get all your photographs marked, referenced, oriented and processed before doing any multi-epoch work.

        Once the first epoch is set up and you can see all your targets in the 3D viewer, tracking (see Motion Project Tracking Dialog), or moving to the next epoch can begin (see Switching between epochs).

        After tracking has been completed to your satisfaction, you can play back the result using the Motion Project Auto Advance Dialog, or write out multi-epoch 2D and 3D data using the Motion Project Epoch Report Dialog.