• Using select mode select the points used to define the point cloud from photos, 3D viewers or tables. Often region select is a useful tool for this.
Choose " Fit NURBS Surface from Selected Points" from
the Surface sub menu (ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab)
or the Fit NURBS Surface Tool .
The surface will be created. The number of spans used to create the surface can be controlled on its properties dialog. When more spans added the surface will fit to the points better, but will be less smooth..
Note 1: Fit NURBS Surfaces have an automatic trim created from their outer bounding points and are automatically extended by 2% to ensure the outer bound trim lies on the surface.
Note 2: the direction the surface faces is determined by the order the points are selected. If the surface you create does not face the direction you would like you can use the "Flip Surface(s)" command, located on the surface sub-menu (ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab). This command will flip the currently selected or, if no surfaces are selected, the last created Surface. Surfaces also have a "double sided" property that will mean a surface 'faces' in both directions. See Surface Properties.