Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Adding Photographs to Your Measurement Project > Video Frame Extraction > Video Extraction Troubleshooting
Video Extraction Troubleshooting

Motion Blur: When recording video for use with PhotoModeler make sure to move the camera slowly and steadily around the object/scene. Moving the camera too quickly will cause motion blur in some or all video frames (the blur may be hard to notice during video playback, but on extracted frames the blur will be very evident).  Move extra slowly while rounding corners so that suitable frames can be extracted in key transition areas.

Inappropriate Camera Angles: When recording video, be sure to move along and around the object - do not stand still and pivot while recording video.  See SmartPoints Photo Requirements and DSM Photo Requirements for photography guidelines.

Incomplete Sequence: If you consistently see an incomplete set of frames from your video, you can adjust settings for the default extraction interval. See Preferences - User Interface. You can also set the Start and End points when setting up automatic frame extraction (see Adding Video Frames to a Project).