Help > Building a 3D Model > Marking Points-based > Adding Dimensions and Annotations > Annotations

Annotations are text displayed on a photo that is not associated with a dimension and is not tied to existing points. While in Dimension Mode, right click on a photo in the desired location and select the Write Note/Label menu item. You will be prompted to enter the annotation in an input dialog’s text field:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

When you press OK, the annotation is placed on the photo.  To add the Photo ID and file name to the text, click the Add ID/Name button.

To move a note, activate Select or Dimension mode, click on the text of the note and drag into a new position while holding the mouse button down, and release the mouse button in the desired position. Notes can be moved anywhere on the image. 

To delete a note, select it in the image or on the Dimensions/Annotations Table, and use the Delete tool or hit Del on the keyboard. This action is undoable.

This shows a note placed on a photo:


Description automatically generated


Each dimension has a set of Properties. For example these are the properties of the dimension shown above:


Description automatically generated

You can edit the note text in the Notation property and change the Layer.

The properties of the annotation are also shown on the Dimensions/Annotations Table.