Help > Building a 3D Model > Marking Points-based
Marking Points-based

Marking is the process of creating and positioning an object on a photograph. Points, edges, curves, Bent Tubes, cylinders, silhouettes, and shapes are items marked on photographs.

Once points, edges and curves are created you can add lines and surfaces between them. Lines and surfaces can be created in photographs, 3D viewers or in the Point Table.

Note: We strongly recommend that when starting a project, that only a few points and few photographs be marked. Once you have perhaps 10 to 15 points marked and referenced on three or four of your photographs, do the 3D processing. When you have confidence in that result, add new markings and new photographs in stages, doing 3D processing in between. Carrying out PhotoModeler projects this way minimizes the chances that you will make an error that is difficult to find or fix.

If you have automatic processing turned on, the model may solve while you mark points. Keep an eye on the Alert Popups that appear in the bottom right of the application window for information on the status of your project as it processes, especially if a message appears about high residual points.

All marking is done by putting PhotoModeler into a particular mode, and then using the mouse, position the cursor over the location you wish to mark.  You click the left button of the mouse to place the mark.

When in these modes, PhotoModeler changes the cursor so that you will know what mode you are in and so you have a precise location to mark.  The cursors are large enough to see without straining and yet they also have a small dot for precise point positioning. All the cursors have the following form:

Marking Cursors

When you are marking a feature such as a line end point, you place the small dot of the cursor over the feature of interest in the photograph and click the mouse button.

You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard for fine marked point adjustment. Select the mark with your mouse then use the arrow keys to adjust the position on the photo.   This works when a single point (marked point, curve point, cylinder point, shape vertex, etc.) is selected on a photo.