Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model > Bent Tubes > How Bent Tubes become 3D > Bent Tube Marking > Bent Tube Marking Adjustments
Bent Tube Marking Adjustments

Bent Tube markings should follow the shape of the tube on the photo as closely as possible. If after initial marking some refinements need to be made (for example an edge mark was not drawn precisely enough), the edge marks can be dragged into a better position. In either Select Mode, or in Bent Tube mode, click and drag Edge Points or Width Points..

Edge Points can be inserted into a Bent Tube mark while in Bent Tube mode – right click on the main Bent Tube  mark and select ‘Insert Edge Point’. 

A Bent Tube  mark can also be extended, either by clicking and dragging the last tube edge mark (in Select or Bent Tube  mode), or while in Bent Tube  mode, right clicking on the last Edge Point of the mark and selecting the ‘Extend from’ menu item.

Edge Points and Width Points can also be removed from a Bent Tube mark – in Select mode, select the point and press Delete on the keyboard; or in Bent Tube mode select a point, right click and press Delete Point.