A Bent Tube has these properties (as shown on the Properties pane or dialog when a Bent Tube is selected):
• ID - unique identifier number called an ID – you can renumber your curves using the Renumber Dialog,
• Name – you can give your Bent Tube a name to help identify it in the Bent Tube table for example.
• User Diameter – The diameter of the Bent Tube. This can be entered as a property if known, or computed automatically by PhotoModeler based on the markings in photos (i.e. the edge and width markings)
• Planar – whether the Bent Tube is planar or flat in 3D (i.e. a planar tube would sit flat on a surface, while a non-planar tube would have a more complex non-flat shape). Setting the Planar property would force the tube to lie in the best fit plane.
• Smoothing – a factor of how smooth the bend of the tube is. A smaller number would simplify the bends, while a higher number allows more bends and potentially a better fit (but possibly more noise and wobbles).
• Material – Bent Tubes can only have a single-color appearance in the 3D Viewer (i.e. no photo-texture). Bent Tubes only appear with a quality feedback color (orange to green) (this is feedback on marking quality – orange means the angels are too low, and green means the angles are good. This color can vary along the length. As well, like other objects the Bent Tube can have highlight colors to show state (selected, referenced, etc.).
• Layer – the Layer assigned to the Bent Tube which is useful when showing/hiding various entities on photos or the 3D Viewer.
The Bent Tube table also shows these properties:
• Compute 3D Shape – to show that the shape is to be computed and visible in 3D
• 3D Position – to show whether the Bent Tube markings were appropriate and sufficient to provide PhotoModeler with suitable geometry to solve the 3D Bent Tube.
• EndPoint 1 (X,Y,Z) – the 3D position of one of the Bent Tube centre line end point
• EndPoint 2 (X,Y,Z) – the 3D position of the other Bent Tube centre line end point