Help > Working with Cameras > Calibrating a Camera > Steps in Camera Calibration > Calibration Type
Calibration Type

There are two types of calibrations: Multi-sheet and Single Sheet.  Both types of calibration rely on the same photography where the target pattern is photographed from a variety of angles. The only difference is that the Multi-sheet method uses multiple sheets of RAD Coded targets while the Single Sheet method uses a single sheet containing four coded targets a grid of dot targets.

It is a good idea to calibrate with a target pattern similar to the size of your model objects or scene - this helps ensure the focus distance is similar in the calibration and model projects. Field Calibration can also be used to fine tune a camera calibration. Field calibration is recommended for high accuracy work. You can also use the auto-calibration feature when setting up a SmartPoints Project.

Because multiple sheets can be spread out over a larger area than a single calibration sheet, the Multi-sheet method will be most useful for those modeling larger objects/scenes, while the Single Sheet method is good for smaller objects. Sheets of a multi-sheet calibration can also be placed at different depths with can improve calibration reliability.  The one sheet of the Single Sheet method is a bit easier to affix and keep stable.