Help > Working with Cameras > Calibrating a Camera > Steps in Camera Calibration
Steps in Camera Calibration

        Decide on which camera and focal length you will be using in your PhotoModeler projects.

        Decide on the Calibration Type and size/type of Calibration Grid you will use and then print the calibration sheet(s). See Printing the Calibration Target Pattern.

        Take the 6 or more photographs of the targe pattern. See Taking the Calibration Photos.

        Start PhotoModeler and start a new Project (File tab’s New > pane).

        Choose the “A PhotoModeler Calibration project” option on the first New Project Wizard pane.

        Follow through the wizard as with other new projects, and give the camera a unique name, specify its type, provide any requested information, add the photographs of the target pattern, and finish the Wizard.

        Select the appropriate calibration type (Single or Multi-sheet, depending on the target pattern printed and photographed)  Press the Execute button on the Camera Calibration Dialog.

        If the calibration succeeds, you can then close the dialog and save your project (.pmr) and/or camera file (.cam) for use in future projects. Once a calibration is completed, if it is successful and the images have sufficient EXIF data, you will be prompted to add the camera to the Camera Library. Cameras in the camera library are automatically searched when adding photos to a project as part of the Camera Matching feature.  It is a good idea to store your well calibrated camera in the library (it is always possible to load cameras (in the new project wizard or manually) by browsing for project (.pmr) or camera (.cam) files on disk).

        If the calibration fails see Camera Calibration Troubleshooting.

        In some circumstances (calibration of very wide angle or telephoto lenses) you may need to decide which camera parameters to calibrate.  See Choosing Camera Parameters to Calibrate for more information. Note, you would make the changes to Preferences before step 8 in this case.