Help > Coded Targets > Coded Target Point Actions
Coded Target Point Actions

Coded Target points act a bit differently than regular points in some areas of the program.  As far as processing goes, coded target points are treated like any other sub-pixel marked point. Here are the areas where they act differently:

        Display: coded target points are displayed differently so they can be distinguished. They also have a unique way of using Point IDs. See the next section for more information.

        Modification: a) coded target point marks cannot be dragged on photographs, and b) they have an ‘uncode’ function on the Object Point Properties dialog.

        Referencing: a) coded target points can only be referenced to non-coded, sub-pixel marked points, b) the ‘reference and mark’ mode does not work if the source point is coded, and c)  when a coded and non-coded point are referenced together the coded point’s properties always prevail (with non-coded point referencing the source point’s properties prevail).