Help > Coded Targets > Coded Target Point Actions > Identifying Coded Targets
Identifying Coded Targets

Coded Target points are displayed and represented a bit differently so that you can distinguish them. The following table describes how to identify a coded target in various parts of the program’s user interface.


Area of User Interface

How to Identify Coded Targets


Point symbol looks like a four piece coded ring

3D Viewers

Point ID is in square brackets [ ]

Point Tables

The Target Code field is not “n/a”

Status Bars

The text “(coded)” appears.

Point Properties Dialog

The text “(coded)” appears.


Point IDs act a bit differently with Coded Target points. First, for any project with Coded Targets, there is a reserved block of one thousand (1000) IDs for the coded target points. This reserved block can start at 1, 1001, 2001, etc. Second, every Coded Target has a unique code (that number printed on the coded target by the Create Coded Targets Dialog) and there is a direct relationship between the target code and the point ID. If you recognize a point as coded remove the thousand’s digit from the point ID to get the code.  For example, a coded target with point ID of 2012 has code number 12.

Note: You can renumber points in your project using the Renumber Dialog.