Help > Building a 3D Model > Creating and Modifying Objects > Object Points > Template Target Marking > How to Use Template Targets > Creating Your Own Target Templates > Creating the Template Image
Creating the Template Image

For most accurate marking results, the template image should have the following characteristics:

        Square N by N pixels

        Centered. If the template image has an odd number of pixels in width and height, the center pixel of the target should be at width/2 – 0.5, height/2 – 0.5. If the template has an even number of pixels, there will be no center pixel and so the target center should be at width/2, height/2.

        White target (value 255) on a black background (value 0), if the target is “ideal”.

        Sized proportionally to the targets appearing in your project.

The templates that are installed with the program can be used as a guide for creating other templates. Template images can be any image format that is compatible with the program although a .bmp or .tif file works best for ‘ideal’ targets.