Help > Building a 3D Model > Creating and Modifying Objects > Object Points > Template Target Marking > How to Use Template Targets > Creating Your Own Target Templates > Describing the Template Image
Describing the Template Image

Each template needs to be described in the program’s .ini file in terms of a series of settings.  Changing or adding settings requires that you open the file in a text editor and add/edit the settings manually  (see Application Data and File Locations for information on where the ini file is stored on disk). The ini file will already have the default installed template settings near the end of the file. Each template must have the following settings (note that punctuation and spelling must match):


Filename = Cross-5-23.bmp

Name =Cross 5/23

ShiftX =1

ShiftY =1

ScaleX =1

ScaleY =1

ShearX =1

ShearY =1

IdealTarget =1

InfiniteExtent =0




The heading for each template is in square brackets. Each template must be numbered in sequence with the last template number equaling the “NumTemplates” setting in the [TargetTemplates] section.  These settings correspond to the settings shown on the Define Project Target Templates dialog box (described above) and can be edited there (except for the Filename and Name), but you must first add these settings to the ini file so that the program can locate them on your hard drive and set them up for importing into the project.  Note that a template must have a unique name; duplicate named templates cannot be used as they will not be distinguishable on the toolbar. A warning will appear when defining the template if you have duplicate names, and you will be forced to redefine the name in the ini file.