Help > Working with Imports and Coordinate Systems > Importing and Setting Up Coordinate Systems > Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane > Import or Add Coordinate Systems Dialog > Text File Import Filter Dialog > Filters

Delimiters are characters in the file (e.g., space, tab, comma) that separate columns of data in the text file. Select one of the standard delimiters shown, or if the file uses a  custom delimiter, enter it in the "Other" field. 

If your data contains blank header rows or non-essential information rows at the top of the file, adjust the "Number of header rows to skip" setting so that only essential data below those rows is highlighted for import.  Header text rows should not be imported.

If the import file contains unimportant rows to be skipped using a special character (e.g., # or ; etc.), enter the character in the "Ignore row leading character" field.  All lines with a matching leading character will be skipped. These are like comment lines in your file to be skipped.

The Interval setting can be used to limit the number of imported rows. If for example your file contains a very large number of points, and if you do not need all of them, you can select to import say every 5th point using a 5 as the Interval.  This can make the data easier to work with and may help speed up the assignment of points in a very large data set, such as a high density point cloud mesh.

The green import region will update to show the data to be imported on each change in the filters section. Make sure that the green region contains appropriately delimited/separated data in columns so that the correct data is imported into PhotoModeler.