Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Generate PDF Report Dialog
Generate PDF Report Dialog

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

The PDF Report is a report summarizing key project properties and results, and is suitable for sending to clients or for internal documentation. By enabling the sections on the dialog the report can be customized as needed:

        Include title page:  Creates a title page showing the date and project file name. When selected the sub options can be used to enter an author name, and control for the summary 3D view on the title page.

        Include summary page: Creates a summary section showing the software version, file date, a summary of photos (total, oriented, not oriented), points marked and their residuals, cloud/meshes (where appropriate), the coordinate system summary, various external checks and any notes as written in the Project Information dialog.

        Include quality page: Creates a summary section showing various project quality indicators, such as the number of photos, cameras in the project, photo coverage, point marking residuals, point marking RM, point angles, point precisions, and check distances/points.

        Include Check Distances: Creates a section showing a table of included Check Distances and their distance deltas. When selected, the option to only include active is available.

        Include Check Points: Creates a section showing a table of included Check Points and their position deltas. When selected, the option to only include active is available.

        Include Cameras page: Creates a section showing the project camera(s) parameters.

        Include 3D Views Page: Creates a section showing screen captures of the 3D Viewer. When selected the option to select various views becomes available, include the option to show any other 3D Views open at the time of generating the report.

        Use background image: An option to include the ‘swooshes’ background image. When selected the option to browse to any other background image becomes available.

        Set 3D View backgrounds to white: An option to set any displayed 3D Viewer backgrounds to white, otherwise, the background as shown while using PhotoModeler will be used.

        Display these number of decimals: Controls the number of decimals shown in displayed numeric data.

        Page Size: Controls the pdf page size.


When you press Generate Report… the pdf report is generated, saved and then displayed in the program associated with .pdf files on your system.