Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Instruction Bar
Instruction Bar

The Instruction Bar is a toolbar that provides instructions to the user based on the current mode and state the program is in.

The tool is a long text box on its own toolbar. It can be made visible or hidden by right clicking on the toolbar area and checking the check box next to "Instruction Bar". This toolbar (like all toolbars) can be docked along the top, sides or bottom of the main window or it can be 'floating' within the main window by clicking and dragging its handle at the left edge of the toolbar. When docked on the side the text will not show so it is not useful in that configuration.

The bar's width can be set by changing the ini setting called InstructionBarTextBoxWidth in the [General] section of the program’s initialization file (see Application Data and File Locations for information on where the ini file is stored on disk). When set to -1 the bar will be full application width.

The instructions will change as you enter different modes. Within a mode that requires multiple steps (such as creating a Loft Surface), the instructions will change to help with the next step.

If instructions are not available for a particular mode, the Instruction Bar will be blank.