Help > Using the Automated Tools > Letter Sheet Automated Target Projects
Letter Sheet Automated Target Projects

Letter Sheet Automated Coded Target projects are a subtype of Automated Target Project – they rely on a set of coded targets, in several sheets of six (called Letter Sheets), plus individual targets if needed. The configuration of the points on Letter Sheets allows PhotoModeler to automatically set up the project coordinate system (multiple scales, rotation, and translation), automatically generate best fit planes through each Letter Sheet of targets, automatically assign offsets positioned at the edge of the Letter Sheet and optionally define lines between pairs of points.

The Letter Sheet targets come printed on an open cell rubber material which sits flat on a smooth surface and the backing is resistant to slipping. Targets are available for sale on the PhotoModeler store. You can also print the targets on paper for use in a project – a great low-cost option or for remote teams (note that paper targets should be taped down, so they do not move).

Targets come (or are printed) in a series of 18 target sheets, lettered A through R. Each sheet has 6 targets. Sheet A (targets 1-6) is used for setting up the Rotation and Translation (origin 0,0,0) by default. Multiple scales can be defined by pairs of targets on all sheets.  Best fit planes can be fit through each Letter Sheet.  There are also 50 individual targets in the package available for purchase.

The project presets can be set up using Coded Target Presets. As described in that section of the help, the coordinate system can be set up using these preset code IDs, and best-fit planes can be fit through each of the target sheet’s six points. Note that the offsets and lines can be generated automatically as well, see also Coded Target Presets Dialog.

For more information on these and other types of automated projects in PhotoModeler, please visit our website: