Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Alert Popups
Alert Popups

Alert Popups are small warning or alert messages that appear at certain times in the bottom right corner of the PhotoModeler application window. These messages replace some warning dialogs (which means less disruption as they can be ignored), but also display useful feedback such as:

        the result of Automatic Processing or when it has been enabled or disabled

        when units have changed

        when a point mark residual is high

        when inverse camera settings have changed

        when there have been certain processing problems

        when a point is marked outside of the camera’s point coverage boundary

The alert popup will show for a few moments and then automatically scroll out of view. The popup will remain up while the mouse cursor is placed over it. You can also redisplay the most recently shown popup by clicking the “Last Popup” section of the Status Bars.

Some alert popup preference settings can be found in Preferences - Processing and Cameras on the Process page.

Many alert popups can be clicked to show Help topics relevant to the alert content.