Help > Building a 3D Model > Marking Points-based > Generic Marking
Generic Marking

To Mark Objects on Photos:

        Open the photograph you need by double clicking on the photo chip in the Photo List.

        Pick up the desired tool (point, edge, curve, etc.) from the ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab or select the appropriate mode from the Marking menu.

        As the mouse is moved over a photo, the cursor will change to show the mode you are in. Also, while in a marking mode, the cursor will change if you move over an existing photo mark. For example if you are in point marking mode and you move the cursor over an existing point mark, the cursor changes to indicate that a point cannot be re-marked at that location; as you move off the existing point the cursor changes to indicate that a point can be marked. These ‘context sensitive’ cursors  apply in each marking mode and provide useful feedback about the current mode and what to expect when pressing the mouse button.

        Click the mouse in the desired location in the photo to start the object. A point requires one click, an edge requires two (a click at each endpoint), a cylinder four, and curves, silhouettes, and shapes require a variable number of clicks.

        For specifics on marking edges, cylinders, curves, silhouettes and shapes see the sections below.

        Once one object is complete you will remain in that mode so the next object of the same type can be created in the same fashion.

Hint:  To increase the precision of your marking you may want to use any one of the zoom and pan tools discussed elsewhere in the manual. For best precision you will want the photograph zoomed to at least the 1:1 or 2:1 level.

See also Coded Targets, Sub-pixel Target Marking, Marking Points.