Help > Welcome to PhotoModeler > PhotoModeler Activation > Network Floating Licensing
Network Floating Licensing

During installation of PhotoModeler with a network floating license, you would have selected a folder on your network as the ‘network share’ folder (in a 'UNC path' format, which looks something like this "\\computerName\licensesfolder\PMNFLicense\").  The network share path must be recognized, and the path must be accessible and writable from each computer on the network. All computers where clients are installed must use the same UNC path. Then when prompted to enter your activation code for the first installation, your license will be set up in that network share folder. Subsequent installations on the network do not need to be activated as they will use the network share folder’s license (provided the network share UNC folder has been set up properly during each installation). 

Users on the network will be able to run PhotoModeler concurrently up to the number of ‘seats’ purchased.  Your network floating license agreement will determine the number of concurrent PhotoModeler ‘seats’ that can be running at any given time.  After the number of active seats on the network reaches the limit, PhotoModeler will display a warning at start up and will close.  

A ‘seat’ is freed once someone running PhotoModeler shuts it down.

You can view the status of the network license to check the number of ‘seats’ in use on the License Management Dialog.

If the network connection is lost, you will be prompted at various times while PhotoModeler is running to renew the connection and restore the license. If you cannot renew the license (i.e.. reconnect to the network share folder), PhotoModeler cannot run and will shut down.  If you do restore the connection, you will be able to continue working.

All users on the network need an uninterrupted connection to the network share folder while running PhotoModeler with a network floating license.