Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Viewing Photographs > Photo Windows Pane > Photograph Window
Photograph Window

Photographs are displayed in a Photograph Window and will always be displayed within the Photo Windows Pane. The Photograph Window is user-sizable but the Photograph will remain the same size unless it is zoomed.  This preserves an accurate mapping of photograph pixels to screen pixels.  If you make the window larger than the photograph at current zoom, a diagonal line hatch area will surround the photograph. This hatched area is dead area and no work can be done in it. If the window is smaller than the photograph at current zoom, scroll bars will appear around the edges of the window allowing you to change what part of the photograph can be seen.

A Photograph Window can be closed at any time using the "X" button in the upper right of the window. Photographs can be moved by dragging the caption bar and can be resized by dragging the window borders. 

See Paned Interface for general information on panes, visibility, configurability and user interaction.

The Active Window Tab ribbon toolbar tab also provides tools to interact with photo windows, such as zoom in, zoom out, zoom area etc.

Photograph Windows are used to mark and reference features. Any features you have marked, are displayed in the Photograph Window they were marked on. To learn about marking features see Marking.

Closing a Photograph Window does not delete any of its markings (points, lines, cylinders etc.). They are stored with the project permanently until deleted by the user.

When a Photograph Window is active, using the page up/down keys will open the next photo in the active photo set. Up -> open next higher photo number, Down -> open next lower photo number. And then warns if at start or end.

To learn how to create a Photograph Window see Viewing Photographs.