Help > User Interface > PhotoModeler Online Update
PhotoModeler Online Update

PhotoModeler Technologies is constantly working to improve PhotoModeler by adding new features and improving existing features. PhotoModeler Technologies regularly posts updates or ‘patches’ on its website for users to download. 

Note: The version that you can run will be determined by your Maintenance expiry date. If you try to install and run a version that is dated later than your expiry, a message will appear and the update will be prevented.

To make the update process as effortless as possible, PhotoModeler has tools that enable you to quickly check whether you are running the most up-to-date version.  There are several ways to stay up to date:

        An automatic check for updates occurs every day (only on the first launch of PhotoModeler of the day). PhotoModeler will first check your Maintenance expiry, and then will go online to check if an update is available. If a new version is available, a prompt will inform you. If you decide to proceed with the update, the download and update process will begin. The automatic check for updates can be enabled/disabled on Preferences - Application Settings.  If there is no online connection, the check is skipped and PhotoModeler will start normally.

        On the Backstage Version and License > pane there is button for “Check for Updates…”. When this is clicked, PhotoModeler will check online to see if the version of PhotoModeler that you are running is up-to-date. If you are not running the most current version, and you proceed with the update, you will be prompted to save your project and close PhotoModeler before the download and update begins.

        If an update has been determined to be available but has not been installed, the “Update Available” button appears on the toolbar at top right. Clicking this will launch the update process (as described above). This works only if your computer has an active online connection.

Note: After running a manual check for updates, if you are running the most current PhotoModeler version available, a message will appear informing you of this. You will not be prompted to download and install any files unless an update is available.  Also, if an update is available and you do not want to install it, you can cancel the installation.